Do you need an air compressor for a paint sprayer?

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Do you need an air compressor for a paint sprayer?

Lots of (semi-)professionals use air compressors for painting jobs. And that’s definitely a good choice! In this article we’ll tell you why painting with an air compressor has the best results, and we’ll also explore the different types of air compressors MARK has to offer. Let’s discuss the different compressors that are up to the task. 

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Painting with a paint sprayer and air compressor

Paint Shop

Powering your paint sprayer with an air compressor has lots of advantages as opposed to using a brush or roller: 

  • Rollers or brushes leave marks: that way your coating seems unprofessional;
  • Paint sprayers make for a smooth and even coat of paint;
  • Paint sprayers save a lot of time, especially on larger paint jobs. 

Paint sprayers come in different shapes and sizes: some are powered by air compressors, others are not. The advantage of using an air compressor is that there is a constant airflow: the power of your paint sprayers always stays the same. That way you’re sure you’ll finish the job like a professional, without loss of pressure. 

What is important when selecting an air compressor for a paint sprayer?

The compressor type

As you’ve already read there’s a difference between rotary-screw and piston compressors. The choice for either of these compressors depends on the types of paint jobs you do. For larger projects, a continuous airflow is needed: in this case a rotary-screw compressor is the best choice for you. That’s why, for professional use we’d recommend using a rotary-screw compressor.

For smaller paint jobs, or for painting small surfaces, you might choose a piston compressor. They are easier to move around and do not deliver a continuous airflow. They are also the ideal choice if you're just getting started or you solely use your paint sprayer for smaller, personal or DIY projects. 

The CFM of your air compressor for painting

CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) is the volume of air that an air compressor produces per minute. In other words: it’s the quantity of air the compressor can produce. Usually paint sprayers need a rather large CFM: that way the paint is ejected with enough force so it will spread evenly along the surface you want to paint.

MARK offers a wide array of air compressors, each with their specific CFM. Most paint sprayers require a high volume of CFM. That way the paint breaks up and gets distributed evenly. Matching the CFM of your air tool(s) is essential when choosing the right compressor.

It’s important to figure out what kind of paint job you’ll be doing. MARK offers rotary screw compressors as well as piston compressors with different CFM’s.

Not sure what compressor to choose? Tell us about your project, we’ll give you the right advice! 

Do you need a filter or dryer?

All MARK compressors can be combined with filters and dryers. This might be important when you don't want any traces of dust, oil or moisture to enter your paint. This might influence the result of your paint job. So it’s essential to figure out what type of filter or type of dryer you might need. 

The volume of your air compressor for painting

We’ve already told you about what size of air compressor would be ideal for your purposes. Again, this depends on your specific situation. For painting we’d recommend a larger size air compressor that holds enough air pressure so you can get the job done in one go. However, space might be an issue: you don’t want to buy a compressor that’s too big to move or put in your garage.

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Need some help in finding the right compressor for your paint sprayer?

As you can see, choosing the right compressor has to do with lots of factors. Want to know which compressor is ideal for your specific situation? Let us know!

Read more about air compressors in related articles

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