With its inception in 1970, MARK has a legacy spanning 50 years in the compressor industry. The company first started with the production of burners for bread ovens. In 1974, MARK produced its first piston compressor and exported it to foreign countries. In 1976, the company pioneered the production of screw compressors in the Italian market.
By 1988, over 10,000 MARK screw compressors had been in operation in Europe and globally. The company became a part of the Swedish conglomerate Atlas Copco and thus began the development of its international networking chain.
In 2017, MARK Compressors arrived in India.
Decades of Industrial Experience
At MARK, we know what you need. Our in-house R&D and manufacturing facilitates customer feedback and certified quality-testing for products from the factory to the field. Our commitment to technology, innovation and energy-efficiency caters to present demands as well as our customers’ ever-evolving needs of the future.
Reliable, Robust and Simple Products
MARK produces high-quality air compressors and air treatment products and systems that meet leading industry standards. We support all kinds of industrial needs with an ergonomic and compact range in oil injected screw compressors and refrigeration air dryers.
Availability and Serviceability
MARK is dedicated to building a global presence through strong customer support and quick, local service. With a committed production, distribution and delivery network, you are never too far away from an authorized dealer or service provider! <br>
MARK promises you technology that you can trust. With best-in-class products designed for longevity and the right services and parts available at the right time, we help your business expand and grow. So come on board, let us make a MARK in your industry!