What is compressed air?

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Compressed air is an essential component in various industries and everyday applications. It is often referred to as the "fourth utility" due to its widespread use and importance, following electricity, natural gas, and water. This blog post aims to provide an in-depth understanding of what compressed air is, how it is produced, its numerous applications, advantages, challenges, and tips for maintaining compressed air systems.

What Happens When Air Is Compressed?

Compressed air is air that is kept under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure. It is a gas mixture consisting primarily of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), with the remaining 1% made up of other gases. When air is compressed, the molecules are forced closer together, increasing their kinetic energy and temperature.


This process is known as the "heat of compression."Compressed air is a versatile and flexible medium for storing and transmitting energy. It is used in various applications, from powering machinery and tools to providing breathable air in hazardous environments.

How is Compressed Air Produced?

Compressed air is produced using compressors, which are mechanical devices that increase the pressure of the air. However, the simplest compressor is a bicycle pump: air is taken in and compressed to a fraction of its original volume. Take that the air is compressed to about ¼ of its original volume: that means that the pressure in the bicycle tire is four times greater than the atmospheric pressure. 

Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric pressure is measured in Pa (Pascal). 1 Pascal is a very small amount of pressure. That’s why the unit kilopascal (kPa) or megapascal (MPa) is used: 1 kilopascal/megapascal corresponds to 1000 Pa. 


Compressed air, however, is seen as overpressure, meaning that it’s a pressure above the standard atmospheric pressure.

Air Compressors Types

Compressors are made specifically to compress air for all kinds of reasons. There are several types of compressors, including:

  • Reciprocating Compressors: These compressors use a piston to compress air within a cylinder. They are commonly used in many applications with different compressed air requirements.

  • Rotary Screw Compressors: These compressors use two interlocking helical screws to compress air. They are known for their efficiency and are widely used in industrial applications.

The compressed air is then stored in an air receiver tank, which helps to smooth out pressure fluctuations and provides a reservoir of air for use when needed. 

he earth is subjected to an atmospheric pressure that we call air pressure. This is because air - contrary to what you might believe - has a certain weight. More specifically, air weighs about 1.2 kg/m². The higher you go, the lower the pressure gets. Every 5 km you go upwards, the pressure is halved. That’s why we say that the air gets ‘thinner’ when we’re in an airplane or on a mountain top. 

This atmospheric pressure is relative to the pressure of compressed air, as you will read in the next paragraph.

Uses of Compressed Air

Compressed air is used in a diverse range of applications across various industries and everyday settings. Here are some of the primary uses: 

Industrial Applications

Compressed air is widely used in industrial settings for powering and controlling machinery, tools, and equipment. Some common industrial applications include:

  • Power Tools: Air hammers, drills, wrenches, and other pneumatic tools are powered by compressed air, providing a reliable and efficient source of energy.
  • Automation: Compressed air is used to operate air cylinders and other pneumatic components in automated systems, improving efficiency and precision.
  • Material Handling: Compressed air is used to convey materials, such as in pneumatic conveying systems for transporting bulk materials.

Automotive Industry

The automotive industry relies heavily on compressed air for various applications, including:

  • Tire Inflation: is used to inflate vehicle tires, ensuring proper pressure and performance.
  • Body Painting: Used to operate spray guns for painting vehicles.

Healthcare and Safety

Compressed air plays a crucial role in healthcare and safety applications, such as:

  • Breathing Apparatus: used in breathing apparatus for firefighters, mine rescue workers, and industrial workers in hazardous atmospheres. It is also used in diving for underwater breathing.
  • Medical Devices: used in various medical devices, such as ventilators and dental tools, providing a clean and reliable source of energy.

Advantages of Compressed Air as an Energy Source

It offers several advantages over other energy storage and transmission methods, including:

  • Versatile: it can be used in production lines, power tools and pistons, move or cool materials. 

  • Harmless: is relatively safe compared to other energy storage methods, such as batteries or steam. It poses fewer safety risks and is less likely to cause accidents.

  • Clean Energy: the air that you compress is clean. That makes the end product clean as well.

You’ll need an external power source to power your compressor. In most cases this is an electric engine. Smaller, DIY compressors sometimes use combustion engines.

Of course, there is a certain amount of power loss when operating a compressor. This will affect the ultimate power needs of your compressor.

We’ll give you an example:

You want to compress air to 700 kPa. This will require about 6.5kW/m³/min of power. Increasing or decreasing the pressure with 100 kPa will result in the same increase or decrease in power requirements.

Choosing the Right Compressor

Selecting the right compressor for your specific needs is essential to ensure efficient and reliable operation. Consider the following factors when choosing a compressor:

  • Application: Determine the specific application and requirements, such as the pressure and flow rate needed.

  • Compressor Type: Choose the appropriate type of compressor based on the application, such as reciprocating, rotary screw, or centrifugal compressors.

  • Energy Efficiency: Opt for energy-efficient compressors to reduce energy consumption and operational costs.

  • Reliability: Ensure the compressor is reliable and capable of handling the demands of the application. A reliable compressor minimizes downtime and maintenance costs.

Now you know the answer to ‘What is compressed air?’. But what makes it a good energy source? First of all: the air that you compress is clean. That makes the end product clean as well. It’s also totally harmless. On the other hand, compressed air is versatile: it can be used in production lines, power tools and pistons, move or cool materials. 

You’ll need an external power source to power your compressor. In most cases this is an electric engine. Smaller, DIY compressors sometimes use combustion engines. 

Of course, there is a certain amount of power loss when operating a compressor. This will affect the ultimate power needs of your compressor. 

We’ll give you an example: 

You want to compress air to 700 kPa. This will require about 6.5kW/m³/min of power. Increasing or decreasing the pressure with 100 kPa will result in the same increase or decrease in power requirements.

Any more questions on compressed air and air compressors?

We hope we’ve adequately answered your question: ‘What is compressed air?’. 

We’d be happy to help you with any other questions you may have. Do you perhaps want to know more about our services? Or about which air compressor is ideal for your purposes? Let us know, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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What air compressor do I need?

If you’re still not sure what type of air compressor you need, feel free to get in touch with our experts for personal advice. We’ll assess your situation and help you find the perfect compressor.

Read more about air compressors in related articles

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